Mulk Raj Anand is a master story teller

The miracle is a learning device that lessens the need for time. It establishes an out-of-pattern time interval not under the usual laws of time. In this sense it is timeless. Visit for more information.

The book Private life of an indian prince, again proves that Mulk Raj Anand is a master story teller, telling the truth about life in India, which almost no current author in India is able to tell, because of high levels of censorship
Though the book is based on India soon after independence, reading the book proves that history repeats itself in India. In the book, the cunning selfish greedy bania and brahmin combine to drive the Rajput prince of Shampur mad, and in 2018 also brahmin, bania intelligence and security agency employees, their associates combine to have honest hardworking kshatriya engineers from top colleges, declared mentally unsound, to steal their resume, savings, correspondence and memory
In 2018, the bania frauds deepika, asmita patel, ruchika combine with brahmins nayak, hathwar, kodancha, mandrekar, j srinivasan, puneet, riddhi nayak, caro, vijay , riddhi nayak, nayanshree hathwar, making fake allegations without proof, holding the domain investor, engineer, a virtual prisoner, so that they can steal her resume, savings,memory, correspondence, and have wasted crores of tax payer money annually since 2010, trying to have the engineer officially declared mentally unsound.

So though the book is very long and printed in a small font, it is worth reading as it exposes the tactics used by brahmins and banias

Google,tata, NTRO, R&AW, cbi involved in a major Goodreads account fraud

Google,tata, NTRO, R&AW, cbi are ruthless in exploiting, defaming and cheating a harmless hardworking single woman bhandari engineer, taking advantage of the fact that goan bhandari officials and leaders are shameless liars, pampering sex workers and frauds.

They are refusing to acknowledge the time and money which the engineer is spending online, falsely claiming that 10 google, tata sponsored goan sex worker, cheater housewife and other fraud R&AW/cbi employees, who do not spend any time and money, are doing the work online and spending money, though bank records will expose the fraud of google, tata, ntro, R&AW,cbi
8 years after the fraud started cbi, R&AW employees continue with their fraud putting the google competitor under surveillance. Even the goodreads account which the google competitor opened in 2017,R&AW, NTRO, CBI,google,tata are falsely claiming belongs to their lazy greedy goan bhandari R&AW employee panaji prostitute sunaina chodan , 2013 bsc supplied by google, tata to government employees for sex, though the goan call girl R&AW employee never opened or operated the goodreads account any time in her life
For opening a goodreads account and writing reviews, a computer and internet connection is required, which ntro’s favorite lazy greedy sex workers sunaina,siddhi are not willing to spend for, yet sex bribe taking ntro employees are fake claims about the goodreads account to defame, cheat and exploit the google competitor

Advertising for books, self publishing firms, service providers

Kindly note that some extremely powerful ntro, raw, cbi, google, tata, security agency officials are falsely claiming that 8-10 fraud raw/cbi/intelligence agency employees own this website to justify the wastage of tax payer money, paying them a salary, when in reality none of these fraud indian government employees are spending any money on the website or doing any work online at all . The real domain investor has to spend money on all the expenses, do all the work and is getting nothing at all, because of the great fraud.
Any advertising on the website will be appreciated.

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