Unlike small business owners, IT company employees are free to write at home
Many of the popular writers of indian books like Ravinder Singh (Infosys employee) , Ajay Pandey (Cognizant employee) are employees of IT companies. They are obviously not writing their best selling books in office , they are writing their books at home, in the evening, on holidays
However in a clear case of discrimination, NTRO is not monitoring these writers who are writing their best selling books at home and making a lot of money, they are only monitoring indian paypal account holders falsely claiming that they are using commercial electricity at home, when actually fraud companies like google,tata will do anything to acquire talent and technology cheaply or free.
The IT company employees are getting a very good salary , yet they do not hire a office for writing their best selling books, they are writing from home.On the other hand, most indian paypal account holders are making very less money, as their orders, payment are blocked repeatedly, yet the ntro, security and intelligence agency employees are hounding them, falsely claiming that they are committing great a crime writing at home, when every one else also writes at home without being harassed.