In one of the greatest online financial fraud in the world, allegedly bribed by google, tata, fraud top NTRO, cbi, raw, security agency employees are shamelessly abusing their powers to falsely claim that 10 google, tata sponsored goan sex workers, cheater housewives, blackmailers and other well connected fraud women who have not invested any money online, and have not made any money online, own the paypal account of a harmless single woman obc bhandari engineer, domain investor and google competitor to get all these 10 google, tata sponsored lazy fraud women lucrative R&AW/CBI jobs at the expense of the google competitor
Income tax returns, bank details, surveillance will expose the great google, tata masterminded ntro , cbi security agency sex racket, identity theft fraud, due to which crores of rupees of indian tax payer money have been wasted annually since 2010, yet the fraud top ntro, cbi, raw, security agency employees are like parrots owned by google, tata, hysterically repeating the completely fake allegations against the google competitor without any proof,
This entire paypal fraud exposes the poor systems, corruption, nepotism in indian intelligence agencies, where fake verbal claims of corrupt top officials are more important for the indian intelligence agencies than legally valid financial information

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